SFC Moscow Graduation Party 2010: A Celebration of Excellence!

SFC Moscow Graduation Party 2010: A Celebration of Excellence!
Tuesday 29th June, 2010. 1900 prompt

Sunday, June 20, 2010

SFC Summer camp 2010 rush begins!!!

Against the backdrop of a percieved 'exams round-up' and the advent of an incredibly fun-packed summer, the usual rush for places, bookings and reservations at SFC's annual summer camp has taken a rapid turn! Registration is actively in progress in Moscow and if feelers coming from the organisers are anything to go by, the deadline may possibly not be extended. So hurry, make the calls!
AKIYO: 8926 972 0638
MIKE: 8926 765 3270
Invite your friends, spread the news, Come, lets have a great time together!
We earnestly look forward to seeing you!

Here is an open memo from the publicity team, changed to change, Saratov 2010!
Enjoy as you read!

Dear Friend,
This is to officially invite you to the annual SFC(students for christ) summer camp to be hosted by the international church in Saratov from 5th-11th July 2010.
It is an event aimed at capturing the young at heart,who desire to have a lasting encounter with God in their lives as well as those who would like to meet Him for their very first time.
This year's theme is :
At that time the Spirit of the LORD will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person ...1samuel 10:6 NLT
The kingdom of God is not in word but in Power.And we receive power when the holy spirit comes upon us. this power is able to bring about an evident change in the life of every true Child of God. Its time to back up your words with actions and be an agent of change to the world around you, one day at a time, one step at a time.
In order for the program to be a success for us all and for necessary preparations to be made in receiving you to the camp,we would appreciate if you helped us with the following information:
• Inform us if you are scheduled to attend the camp as soon as possible.-(yes, maybe, No)
• Help publicise the event in your city in anyway amongst your friends,colleagues and any other way possible.
• Check with the train station for arrival time of trains on 05-07-10 to Saratov.
• The camp fee is 2500rubles.Once you have a list of people registered to attend the camp a deposit of 1000 roubles must be made by 10-06-10 to secure space for you in the program.Full payments are welcome.Please do inform us by sending details to us once you have made a deposit,bank details are attached to this letter.
we will love to encourage you to belive God for provision. If you want to come for the camp God is able to provide for you.philipians 4:19
Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. For further information please contact Changed 2change Saratov 2010 facebook page or write back to me.
God bless you!
Publicity Team.
Changed2Change Sartov 2010.

Monday, June 7, 2010

SFC Moscow Plans for Summer 2010

SFC Moscow Family Meeting 2010.

Be part of the decision making; creative brainstorming and astute future shaping as SFC Moscow makes plans for the later part of summer 2010 - the challenges, the achievements, summer travels, post-exams fun times, summer camp, SFC Moscow summer holidays in Moscow, winter camp et al.

1900 prompt Tuesday 8th June 2010
Metro Novie Cheremushki, Ulitsa Nametkina.

Make it a date!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How to attain excellence in life - Daniel Abu

A successful lifestyle has got nothing to do with what you have or what you are; how many 5’s, 4’s, 3’s or even 2’s you might have had, it has nothing to do with your first class or just a degree, it has nothing to do with what course or what specialty you are undertaking, do you hear me nothing alright, but it is the attainment of God’s purpose for your life. God has a plan for you (Jer. 29:11). They have been there long before you were born, or before you were even formed in your mother’s womb. You might be wondering what this means, yeah it is called predestination, and that’s God in action for you there. He is just waiting for you to step into the kingdom and step into them. You might be asking how to know his plan for my life? well I’ll tell you that in just a moment. I want to tell you something about yourself that you don’t know: You are special… yes sir you heard me, say that: “I AM SPECIAL” most people don’t even know how special they are. You are so special that God didn’t say let there be you, but He said let’s make you in His own image (Gen. 1: 26 & 27). God rates you as a special treasure to Him (Ex. 19:5). Your kind has never existed before, you are not ordinary, you are peculiar, and you have access to the divine power and nature of God here on earth (2 Pet. 1:3-4). The very first step into attaining excellence is for you to think excellence. You are who you see yourself to be (Prov. 23:7). As you think in your heart, so you are and what you think in your heart you will one day voice out (Matt. 12:34). You need to stop thinking and speaking bad things about yourself. Stop condemning yourself, stop saying how miserable and how stupid you are and how you will never make it in life, yes you know am talking to you, stop that, you are breaking God’s heart for doing so, you mean so much to Him (1 Cor. 6:20). You can only know the plan of God for your life through Vision. There you go again, yes vision, as a matter of fact when you don’t have a vision for your life you roam about, but God didn’t create you to roam about in life. Vision is like a path – finding tool (Joel 2:28), Abraham had a vision at the age of 75, so don’t be intimidated by your age because in the sight of God, you are still young. Where there is no direction, there cannot be progress, you need to locate direction for your life by vision (Prov. 28:18).Don’t be mistaken, I said vision and not ambition, impression, imagination, situation, reaction, confirmation, association or natural instincts. So you might ask how do I locate the plan of God for my life, how do I get a vision from God? well first and foremost, you need to be sure of your salvation, yes, you have to be sure that you are saved, and am not talking about religion because it will get you no where, then you need to have a strong desire for it (Hab. 2:1). Please note these that the plans of God for each and every one of us is different so do not envy others just get yours and stick to it. Am so sick and tired of hearing and seeing Christians suffering academically, changing courses and changing locations and changing schools, let that be the worries of those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. After God has revealed to you what He has for you then you need to take heed to be content and be consistent with what God has made you for. So when you have accomplished the plan of God for your life, then you are a successful man or woman.
In His Service
Abu Daniel