SFC Moscow Graduation Party 2010: A Celebration of Excellence!

SFC Moscow Graduation Party 2010: A Celebration of Excellence!
Tuesday 29th June, 2010. 1900 prompt

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Moscow 2011: Love LIKE Fire!!!

"My love for the person of CHRIST is so intense that it threatens to consume me.
It burns within me as a sweet and holy madness and flows from my lips like molten gold."....Anozie Echezona, SFC Moscow.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Havin The Mind Of Christ: SERVICE. (How It Went)

God Spoke through Bro. Joel and here is the message in its untainted form!

It started off with an analogy; an illustration of the story of the two buckets.
Here it goes!

A man walks two miles with two buckets of water on both hands. He walks all the way only to discover the bucket on the right hand delivers almost nothing because it leaks; while the left-sided buckets delivers water in full capacity.

But alas, the leakage on the right-sided bucket had helped flower buds and grass roots to sprout on its path.
The right-sided buckets seeming ‘uselessness or non-worthiness’ had been a great blessing in disguise!

We as Christians shouldn’t see out service to God as Inadequate.
We shouldn’t compare ourselves to others, because God appreciates and sees the smallest strand of our service to Him, even if the world fails to discern it.

A round of Question Drill ensued.

Service to God is absolute thanksgiving. We serve God as a means of showing our appreciation to Him. MATT 8:14-15
Jesus served. So we as Christ-like entities too should serve.

Okay then.
We can serve in a plethora of ways. We can serve God with our money; our talents, our skills; out time.

This is THE HOW!

Luke 10:40-41
Illustration: The woman with the Alabaster Box.
The disciples even gave up their career to follow, serve God. THEY served God with their talents; their careers; their wealth.


Don’t serve like the Pharisees; Don’t serve for men to see.
Because if we serve for people to see, we obtain our rewards instantly, so nothing awaits us from God
Here is the illustration of a tree...the roots and leaves are the very visible parts, by which we can determine the well being of the plant, but a great part of the work is also done by the roots. Hence, we should strive to be the roots...


We owe our service first to GOD, after that to man
we are loved by God so we could show love to other people too; our community, the society around us.
Practical examples from the Bible: Jesus feeding the multitude, the Good Samaritan.

Here comes the last DRILL?:
When should I serve?

The time is NOW!

Now is the best TIME!

God Bless you as you Serve!

'Dotun Olalusi scribbles in for SFC Moscow PRESS Unit!
Special Thanks to "Deji Olulana; and Mike Tuffour!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

On SFC Writes. .THIS.TUESDAY. Mike Tuffour Amirikah Jnr.

The Rubrics Of Holiness: What you need to know.
Presentation if LIVE this Tuesday. 5th Oct.
BE There!!!

Mike is the Assistant Director, In Charge of Logistics,
Students For Christ Moscow,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

'Such Was The Case'

He paced nervously up and down the corridor, he was obviously half conscious of what he was doing, and visibly abstracted to what went on on around him, as he was engrossed in thoughts that seemed; from the look on his face, to be enshrouded in uncertainty and fear. You could hear a silent prayer from the supplicatory look on his face. He looked anxiously through the translucent glass window hoping to catch a glimse that would give him some hope, all to no avail. He was definitely concerned about whatever went on behind those doors.
It was a middlesized room with a bed in the center; it was furnished with all sorts of monstrous looking equipments. An IV infusion pump stood some centimeters away from the bed, there was a vital signs monitor situated in a comfortable corner a small distance from the bed. It was a laborious evening for everyone in there. Strained faces, tensed looks; everyone was on the go. A woman lay on the bed, the stirr-ups were out and in use. There was an agonising look on her face and paroxysmal groanings accompanied by screaming and pushing came from her as she was assailed by the relentless contractions of her uterine muscles. You could tell she was in labour........... oh my god; it was the delivery room.
I stood watching closely and paying unwavering attention to all that went on in there; it was so intense and engrossing that i barely realised it when i fell into a state of abstractedness. I was slowly absorbed into a scenario that was very many years ago. The woman seemed to be thrown into torture by an unseen force; every contraction seemed to be a lash of the whip from a centurion, the bloodstain on the bed was gradually changed into an effusive flow of blood; it dropped and trickled all the way down. I shivered as i felt a drop fall on my hand. The groaning got louder and louder, it was interrupted only by desperate inspirations of air, the unseen fores metamorphosized into cruel lashes inflicted by the daunting whips of soldiers, the whole place seemed to be flooded with blood and water as a spear dug deep into the sides of the man who was now strapped on in place of the woman. He groaned and screamed, his words showed how much he ached to be relieved of his misery. He appeared to have infinite power to free himself but he chose to bear the cross. The voices of nurses and medical personnel culminated into shouts of mockery and contempt as acrid remarks poured out of the angry hateful hearts of all those around. Never had i imagined so much pain never had i imagined so much torture.i discovered i was no longer looking down at a bed but at a man propped up on a t-shaped wooden bar, with his hands stretched apart perpendicular to his torso. The straps that latched on to him now appeared to be nails dug right throught his palms and feet. A crown of thorn was set on his head such that it set trickles of blood into motion down the contours of his face.
I turned around to see the faces of the people, the infernals they blurted out began to sound like cries, desperate cries for help, they seemed to be in dire need of a saviour as i saw through their faces into their their hearts and minds; i could tell they were plagued by depravity.It appeared to be like the serpent biting the children of israel in the desert, as they looked up to the man on the cross who seemed to take the place of the serpent lifted up by MOses on the road to Atharim. This picture lingered on in my mind and then brightened up into the picture of the disciples looking up to one who seemed to ascend to the heavens. I realized it was the same one who was on the cross, and then suddenly he seemed to burst out of the clouds with so much glory as can not be worded. There were millions of them who watched him descend from the clouds, a golden crown on which was written 'king of kings' sat upon his head and an uncountable number of people were caught up to be with him. Their robes so white they sparkled liked they had been washed in blood, the blood that flowed from the cross.
I was brougth back to awareness by a tender cry. There was a peace and silence in the room. The struggle was over. The baby had been born. Such was to be the case of mankind. Such is the case of the saints. As she suffered the pangs of birth for one child, born into a new generation, so did Jesus suffer birth pangs for the world; even for as many as would be born into a new life for untold generations to come. I am as a child and He my mother, i am as a one in trouble and He my saviour, i am as a people and He my lord and king.......He is my essence.

authored by
Nwaozo Emmanuel O.
and read in SFC Moscow TUESDAY MEETING 21 Sept 2010.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Moscow ARISES: Awaits SFC Annual Prayer Conference!!!

A massive deal of expectancy and an unprecedented anticipation heralds SFC Moscow's Annual Prayer Conference dubbed 'Back to Bethel 2010'...Is there anything too hard for the Lord! Being the second withing the space of two years, the prayer conference has been a boulevard of communion with the Heavens and an holy menage of numerous testimonies, where new academic sessions are garnished with an overwhelming surety of success!

It is no longer news that the pomps and travel splendour that greeted the holidays are very much over, what is however news is the fact that the SFC Moscow Nametkina POWERHOUSE, come Monday through Wednesday this week, is set for a massive 'showerdown' of prayers and absolutely heaven-sent blessings, trudging along loads of spiritually profound ministerations, imperative assets pretty much requiste for the journey ahead.

Pastor Nnamdi of the Christ Embassy Moscow sets the ball rolling Monday, 6 Sept 2010.
Ulitsa Nametkina House 15, Metro Novie Cheremushki remains the venue.
You sure dont want this to pass you by!
Be there!!!

Call Dotun: +7926 892 2138: Emmanuel: +7926 5422 199
Paul: +7926 424 0008 for directons and further enquiries!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

SFC Summer camp 2010 rush begins!!!

Against the backdrop of a percieved 'exams round-up' and the advent of an incredibly fun-packed summer, the usual rush for places, bookings and reservations at SFC's annual summer camp has taken a rapid turn! Registration is actively in progress in Moscow and if feelers coming from the organisers are anything to go by, the deadline may possibly not be extended. So hurry, make the calls!
AKIYO: 8926 972 0638
MIKE: 8926 765 3270
Invite your friends, spread the news, Come, lets have a great time together!
We earnestly look forward to seeing you!

Here is an open memo from the publicity team, changed to change, Saratov 2010!
Enjoy as you read!

Dear Friend,
This is to officially invite you to the annual SFC(students for christ) summer camp to be hosted by the international church in Saratov from 5th-11th July 2010.
It is an event aimed at capturing the young at heart,who desire to have a lasting encounter with God in their lives as well as those who would like to meet Him for their very first time.
This year's theme is :
At that time the Spirit of the LORD will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person ...1samuel 10:6 NLT
The kingdom of God is not in word but in Power.And we receive power when the holy spirit comes upon us. this power is able to bring about an evident change in the life of every true Child of God. Its time to back up your words with actions and be an agent of change to the world around you, one day at a time, one step at a time.
In order for the program to be a success for us all and for necessary preparations to be made in receiving you to the camp,we would appreciate if you helped us with the following information:
• Inform us if you are scheduled to attend the camp as soon as possible.-(yes, maybe, No)
• Help publicise the event in your city in anyway amongst your friends,colleagues and any other way possible.
• Check with the train station for arrival time of trains on 05-07-10 to Saratov.
• The camp fee is 2500rubles.Once you have a list of people registered to attend the camp a deposit of 1000 roubles must be made by 10-06-10 to secure space for you in the program.Full payments are welcome.Please do inform us by sending details to us once you have made a deposit,bank details are attached to this letter.
we will love to encourage you to belive God for provision. If you want to come for the camp God is able to provide for you.philipians 4:19
Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. For further information please contact Changed 2change Saratov 2010 facebook page or write back to me.
God bless you!
Publicity Team.
Changed2Change Sartov 2010.

Monday, June 7, 2010

SFC Moscow Plans for Summer 2010

SFC Moscow Family Meeting 2010.

Be part of the decision making; creative brainstorming and astute future shaping as SFC Moscow makes plans for the later part of summer 2010 - the challenges, the achievements, summer travels, post-exams fun times, summer camp, SFC Moscow summer holidays in Moscow, winter camp et al.

1900 prompt Tuesday 8th June 2010
Metro Novie Cheremushki, Ulitsa Nametkina.

Make it a date!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How to attain excellence in life - Daniel Abu

A successful lifestyle has got nothing to do with what you have or what you are; how many 5’s, 4’s, 3’s or even 2’s you might have had, it has nothing to do with your first class or just a degree, it has nothing to do with what course or what specialty you are undertaking, do you hear me nothing alright, but it is the attainment of God’s purpose for your life. God has a plan for you (Jer. 29:11). They have been there long before you were born, or before you were even formed in your mother’s womb. You might be wondering what this means, yeah it is called predestination, and that’s God in action for you there. He is just waiting for you to step into the kingdom and step into them. You might be asking how to know his plan for my life? well I’ll tell you that in just a moment. I want to tell you something about yourself that you don’t know: You are special… yes sir you heard me, say that: “I AM SPECIAL” most people don’t even know how special they are. You are so special that God didn’t say let there be you, but He said let’s make you in His own image (Gen. 1: 26 & 27). God rates you as a special treasure to Him (Ex. 19:5). Your kind has never existed before, you are not ordinary, you are peculiar, and you have access to the divine power and nature of God here on earth (2 Pet. 1:3-4). The very first step into attaining excellence is for you to think excellence. You are who you see yourself to be (Prov. 23:7). As you think in your heart, so you are and what you think in your heart you will one day voice out (Matt. 12:34). You need to stop thinking and speaking bad things about yourself. Stop condemning yourself, stop saying how miserable and how stupid you are and how you will never make it in life, yes you know am talking to you, stop that, you are breaking God’s heart for doing so, you mean so much to Him (1 Cor. 6:20). You can only know the plan of God for your life through Vision. There you go again, yes vision, as a matter of fact when you don’t have a vision for your life you roam about, but God didn’t create you to roam about in life. Vision is like a path – finding tool (Joel 2:28), Abraham had a vision at the age of 75, so don’t be intimidated by your age because in the sight of God, you are still young. Where there is no direction, there cannot be progress, you need to locate direction for your life by vision (Prov. 28:18).Don’t be mistaken, I said vision and not ambition, impression, imagination, situation, reaction, confirmation, association or natural instincts. So you might ask how do I locate the plan of God for my life, how do I get a vision from God? well first and foremost, you need to be sure of your salvation, yes, you have to be sure that you are saved, and am not talking about religion because it will get you no where, then you need to have a strong desire for it (Hab. 2:1). Please note these that the plans of God for each and every one of us is different so do not envy others just get yours and stick to it. Am so sick and tired of hearing and seeing Christians suffering academically, changing courses and changing locations and changing schools, let that be the worries of those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. After God has revealed to you what He has for you then you need to take heed to be content and be consistent with what God has made you for. So when you have accomplished the plan of God for your life, then you are a successful man or woman.
In His Service
Abu Daniel

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ike Amadi speaks on the June month: Get Up, Kill and Eat!

The month of May2010 has indeed been outstanding in SFC Moscow; the theme 'Who Am I' really was an eye-opener, God spoke to His people. Lessons were learnt; Interests were revived; Hearts were won and Great Knowledge was shared amongst God's People. How resounding!

Now it's time to apply the Knowledge we possess, bring to wondrous manifestations the lessons we have learnt and change the world around us.

SFC Moscow President, Ike Amadi, speaks on the past month, the plans for summer, Exams and a host of other issues.

"Hi Good people of SFC!

I want to say a very big 'THANK YOU' to each and every one of you who have participated one way or the other in ensuring the smooth running of SFC.

· All the various units/teams that have been performing innovatively – God bless you guys!
· All the fellowship leaders have been working hard week-in week-out to make sure that meetings hold — you guys are simply awesome and will not lose your reward.
· All persons who have donated one dollar/ one ruble to SFC's multi-faceted ministry units — you will never lack.

It is a thing of joy to serve with you guys and trust me, I am truly happy that each one of you is displaying personal motivation to the work irrespective of external supervision — you are showing heavy maturity. May you increase even more!

We have run through the `Who Am I" theme for the months of April and May, and we thank God for the various things we have learnt personally.

In 7 days, we will be entering a new month — June.

June is a very strategic month as most students will have exams going on, others will be graduating, while most will be preparing to travel for the summer and the likes, Hence the theme:

"Get Up, Kill and Eat!" taken from Acts 10:13.(NIV)

We'll all have to get up and start doing something with what we have learnt so far. Perhaps we'll need to increase the manifestation of our talents and gifts or to embark on some special projects the Lord has outlined for us.

Also, we will run with this theme for the whole of the summer period — wherever you are, you'll be sure that you'll have to be doing something with/about what God has placed in your hands.

To sustain that theme however, we will as usual need contributions (sub-themes) as urgently as possible J on areas you would love for us to explore as regards this theme - this will enable us develop study guides and organize programs to establish the plans God has for us in the month of June and beyond.

For example, one of the sub-topics could be:
"How to know the will of God for your life" – so that you can be able to do it without doubting!

Like I said, will be expecting input from each and every one of you – latest by Wednesday, to enable us further organize the month's theme and suggestions for the summer holidays as well J

Once again, God bless your faithful hearts!

You are important to SFC !"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

SFC Moscow stands still; watches John Bunyan’s Pilgrim Progress.

The aura in fellowship today was well beyond description as SFC Moscow, glued to their seats, watched in awe as the pictures of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim Progress flickered through the screens, illustrating the truth in the journey of a Christian to the Father.

Given the huge hype and media fame the 25th of May SFC Cinema received, it becomes only logical to conclude that Tuesday 25th of May did live up to its billing.

With a charismatic Praise and Worship setting off the right tone and a run of wonderful testimonies to God’s Glory following, it was more than obvious that SFC Moscow, as a tradition, was in for yet another blessed time in fellowship, especially with a full house on board.

Pilgrim's Progress is a great work of Christian literature, now in form of a film. Originally composed in the 17th century, this spiritual allegory has entertained and delighted innumerous readers for over 300 years. Part I tells of "Christian" and his journey to "Celestial City;" Part II tells of the journey of Christian's wife Christiana and their children to Celestial City. The two parts work together as a unified whole, which describes and depicts the believer's life and struggles. Indeed, given the easy style of the book, readers of all ages can understand the spiritual significance of the depictions in the story. However, Pilgrim's Progress does not simply instruct readers with spiritual allegories; it entertains them as well, through Bunyan's creative story telling. Enjoyable and spiritually instructive, Pilgrim's Progress is highly recommended.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Greetings to everyone in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.This is just to invite every member of SFC to join our blog,you are enjoyed to help in making this blog known to all.Feel free to post whatever you want to post on this blog.All I need to do is to add your email address to the followers' list,my email is -tolugold08@yahoo.com.May God help us in sharing our inspiration with each other and we shouldn't forget the utmost goal.God bless us!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Who am I (theme for the April and May)

Hi everyone

Our theme for the month of April and May would be on the subject of “who we are in Christ”
If I were to ask you "Do you know who you are?" your immediate answer would be, "Of course I do." But can you imagine what it would be like if suddenly you lost all memory of your name, where you lived, who was your husband or wife, your children, where you worked, etc? It would be terrifying. There is an enormous security in knowing who you are. That is the reason people are so reluctant to change. They are secure in what they know and very fearful about what they do not know.

Well, it is also a necessity that you know who you have become in your spirit. You are a new creature in your spirit (2 Cor. 5:17), and you have to reeducate your mind to think that way before the perfect will of God will be made manifest in your flesh (Rom. 12:1-2). We are more than conquerors through Christ, but we won't benefit from that truth until we convince ourselves of it, no more than a millionaire would benefit from their bank account if they didn't know it was there. This is the condition that the body of Christ has been in. We have simply been ignorant of who we are in Jesus (in our spirits) and of the rights and privileges that are ours.

During Abraham Lincoln's presidency, he signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all American slaves. But there are documented cases where slave owners hid the Proclamation, and slaves continued serving in bondage because they were ignorant of the change that had taken place. This has been exactly Satan's strategy against the church. As Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And 2 Peter 1:3 says, "According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue." If Satan can keep a Christian ignorant or in unbelief about who they have become and their rights as a child of the King, he can keep them in bondage even though the law of liberty in Christ Jesus has been put into effect!

We need to realize who we are in Christ not in ourselves; the bible says as Jesus his so we are in this world. So we must put our attention on Jesus because that is what He has made us, Hebrews 12:2 says we have to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, but most of us have been looking at ourselves. No wonder we've been weary and have fainted in the battle (Heb. 12:3)! we are totally superior to any weapon the devil can use against us. We are world overcomers (1 John 5:4). As we change our attention from our own frailty to Christ's sufficiency and take our place in Him, our faith will be activated, and we'll begin to live like the King's kids that we are.